Barrett, Dan (Trombone)
Dr. Dan Barrett teaches low brass, music theory, and chamber music at the University of Maine. He also leads the Maine Trombone Collective, a large group of professional and student trombonists that performs throughout the state. His career has included performances with the Utah Symphony, Bangor Symphony, Boston Brass and many other ensembles, as well as solo performances with the Carson City Symphony, University of Maine Symphonic Band, Brigham Young University Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Utah Premiere Brass Band. In March of 2010, he was a guest artist at the Eastern Trombone Workshop in Washington, D.C. He has also played with great jazz musicians including Conrad Herwig, John Fedchock, Ingrid Jensen, Phil Markowitz, and Byron Stripling. He has been a national finalist in the Music Teachers National Association Brass Solo and Chamber Music competitions.
Dr. Barrett attended the University of Nevada, Reno and Brigham Young University, where he received Bachelor's and Master's degrees in trombone performance. He received a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Arizona State University, where his doctoral research focused on the music of Daniel Schnyder. He has studied with Leonard Neidhold, Daniel Bachelder, Will Kimball, Rusty McKinney, Gail Wilson, and David Vining. When not involved in music, he is usually playing ball, wandering in the woods, or sledding with his sons, Cole and Andrew, and his wife, Ann.