Breathing Book for Horn - PDF Download Version


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The Breathing Book for Horn by David Nesmith is appropriate for college through professional horn players.

NOTE: This second edition features new images, explanations, and QR codes linking to videos demonstrating the activities.

Breathing is one of the most important fundamental skills for horn playing because it provides the foundation for many of our other fundamentals including tone, articulation, range, endurance, intonation, flexibility, and phrasing. If you want to improve one of these important musical attributes, start by improving your breathing. The Breathing Book is a blended textbook and method book—it contains information about breathing and activities designed to help you use the knowledge as you play horn. The Breathing Book is not an exercise book—it's a "learn how to move" book and includes videos for some of the chapters and movements to clarify the content. The Breathing Book explores all the individual movements of breathing and, in the end, will help you coalesce them into a singular, well-coordinated, and organic motion.

“BRAVO, David, on your book, ‘The Breathing Book for Horn’! This is a fantastic book that horn players (all wind players) should read and use each and every day!” - Gail Williams, Professor of Horn (retired), Northwestern University 

48 pages

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Flow Studies for Horn: A Daily Phrasing and Technique Regimen is a companion book to this volume, offering etudes to incorporate the knowledge gained from The Breathing BookClick here to order the Breathing/Flow Bundle for Horn at a discount.

For horn players wanting to get healthy and stay healthy, try our Healthy Pack! This set of valuable resources also includes: Cross Training for Musicians: An Interdisciplinary Guide Promoting Healthy Music Making and Notes of Hope: Stories by Musicians Coping with Injuries. Click here to order the Healthy Pack for Horn at a discount.

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