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Cross Training for Musicians: An Interdisciplinary Guide Promoting Healthy Music Making compiled by David Vining is appropriate for high school through professional musicians. Contributing authors include: Allison Dromgold Adams (yoga), Adam Cole (Feldenkrais), and David Nesmith (Alexander Technique).
Cross Training for Musicians is an innovative interdisciplinary practice guide incorporating the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Body Mapping, yoga, and stretching. Cross Training is a web-based resource, not a printed book; it is a collection of videos and sound files that guide you through a series of movements designed to promote healthy practicing and facilitate recovery from injury. By breaking up practice sessions with short movement breaks, Cross Training for Musicians serves as the equivalent to the runner who cross trains by swimming. Cross Training offers movement breaks catalogued for use by day of the week, by modality (Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, etc.), and by body region. Cross Training's activities provide movement variety and promote global awareness, serving to keep your movements efficient and accurate.
"Congratulations! Thank you for this amazing learning and teaching resource. I will recommend this to many students and know that pieces of this beautifully designed information will find their way into my own workshop, class, and studio teaching." - Cynthia McGladrey, Choral Director and Body Mapping Instructor, George Fox University
Click here to learn more about primary author David Vining.
Click to learn more about each contributing author: Allison Dromgold Adams, Adam Cole, David Nesmith.
For musicians wanting to get healthy and stay healthy, try our Healthy Pack! This set of valuable resources also includes: The Breathing Book and Notes of Hope: Stories by Musicians Coping with Injuries. Click here to order a Healthy Pack at a discount.
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